■ 권장 브라우저 사용 공지 ■

본교 글로벌교육원 홈페이지의 모든 서비스를 이용하기 위해서는
구글 크롬 브라우저를 사용하여야 합니다. [다운로드]

마이크로소프트사 지원중단
  - 익스플로러10(IE10) 2020년 1월 지원중단
  - 익스플로러11(IE11) 지원 중단될 예정

지원중단의 문제점 : 보안에 취약.

크롬 브라우저다운로드 페이지로 자동이동됩니다.


About WGST


• Nov. 09. 1967
Dr. Robert S. Rapp (Labodo), the missionary dispatched from Westminster Biblical Mission in the United States established the Korean Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Heukseok-dong while raising the banners ‘Standing in the Truth • Defending the Truth • Spreading the Truth”, with Korean Dr. Kim, Dal-saeng, and started the Seminary with 12 Students.
• Mar. 27. 1984
Westminster Biblical Mission Korean Branch of corresponding organization in the United States was registered on the Korean Minister of Culture and Public Information for the Educational Purpose (No. 59)
• Mar. 01. 1989
Name of the School was changed to Westminster School of Theology
• Sep. 11. 1997
Received the permission to establish Westminster Graduate School of Theology from the Korean Ministry of Education (University 81411-1037)
• Mar. 2015
Started the Master’s Program of the graduate school for the International Students
• Mar. 2018
Started the Doctoral Program of the graduate school for the International Students